Sunday, August 4, 2013

Crystals or gems?

There is a fine line when it comes to gems and new age crystals. Most of the time, when you are shopping for crystals, you buy them in their natural state, or polished rock form. Most people don't think to buy them as faceted gems, like the ones you find in rings and other jewelry pieces.

This is where I beg to differ! I love shiny things!!!

I want my gems to have some depth. It doesn't take away from their power as a crystal, nothing is added to their natural form, they are just made prettier.

Take the lovely pink quartz here. I have it photographed in its natural state, polished and cut in a cushion cut, ready to mount in a ring or pendant (or set on your altar). It is a pretty stone in all three states, but there is something about it when it is all said and done. I love it when it sparkles.

Or these Amethyst samples....

And last, these pretty finished Carnelian pieces, one polished and one faceted.


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